

Petition No. 2355 of 2024 filed by Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited in the matter of Petition under Section 63 read with Section 86 (1) (b) and other applicable provisions of the Electricity Act., 2003 seeking for adoption of tariff discovered under tariff based competitive bidding process conducted by PGVCL vide RfS No. PGVCL/project/DSM/PM- Kusum- C-FLS/TN-09 dated 13.10.2023 for 101 Numbers of Solar Power Plant of total 259.0 MW, through RESCO model, for solarization of various 11 kV Feeders in PGVCL for implantation of feeder level solarization (FLS) under PM -KUSUM – C Scheme of Government of India.

Sr.No. Title English PDF Gujarati PDF
1 Public Notice
2 Petition No. 2355 of 2024 (Part -1)
3 Petition No. 2355 of 2024 (Part -2)
4 Petition No. 2355 of 2024 (Part -3)
5 Petition No. 2355 of 2024 (Part 4)